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1-Dont try to cram or spend more time here just read it fast and cover syllabus then practice MCQ's cheptor of same topic to check your progress. . |
2-Wrong options are also given but dont concentrate there, Right answer is in bold format. |
Q1 ⇒ A device for determining die value or magnitude of a quantity or variable : instrument [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] sensor transducer gauge indicator. |
Q2 ⇒ Determining moisture in steam by measuring the temperature in a throttling calorimeter is an example of : indirect measurement [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] direct measurement measurement by comparison measurement by calibration automatic measurement. |
Q3 ⇒ The closeness with which the reading of an instrument approaches the true value of the variable being measured is called : accuracy [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] precision sensitivity resolution discrimination. |
Q4 ⇒ Errors due to assignable causes are called : systematic errors [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] static errors calibration errors random errors known errors. |
Q5 ⇒ Pick up the appropriate word for A pointer moving over a scale : indicator [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] instrument transducer gauge recorder. |
Q6 ⇒ Pick up the appropriate word for A reading obtained from the motion of a pointer on a scale : analog [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] digital display indicator instrument. |
Q7 ⇒ Pick up the appropriate word for The reading displayed as a number, a series of holes on a punched card, or a sequence of pulses on magnetic tape : digital [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] pulse train analog numeral recording. |
Q8 ⇒ For studying detailed variations with time, one uses : recorder [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] indicator digital indicator integrator analog indicator. |
Q9 ⇒ The condition of how much successive readings differ from one another for a fixed value of the variable is called : precision. [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] accuracy error sensitivity resolution |
Q10 ⇒ The ratio of output signal or response of the instrument'" to a change in input or measured variable is called : sensitivity [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] precision resolution threshold accuracy. |
Q11 ⇒ The smallest change in measured value to which the instrument will respond is called resolution [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] accuracy precision amplification sensitivity. |
Q12 ⇒ It responds directly to the measured quantity, producing a related motion or signal : sensing element [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] transducer transmitter indicator measuring device. |
Q13 ⇒ Which of the following is used to count the number of brass items passing on a conveyor line, when no contact is permitted with the object: photoelectric cell [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] event counter mechanical counter magnetic pick up electronic counter. |
Q14 ⇒ Which of the following does not pertain to timing device : piezoelectric crystal. [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] charging of a condenser flow of oil through a dash pot release of air through a nozzle flow of sand through an opening |
Q15 ⇒ Motion of fast-moving systems may be timed and studied by means of a : stroboscope [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] piezoelectric crystal electronic timer chronometer photovoltaic cell. |
Q16 ⇒ In which device the input motion changes the inductive coupling between primary and secondary coils : synchro [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] potentiometer collimator protractor dial gauge. |
Q17 ⇒ Which effect is useful in measuring rapidly varying forces : piezoelectric [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] strain gauge photovoltaic pneumatic gauging change of capacitance. |
Q18 ⇒ Pressure measuring devices are not based on: area measurement by polar planimeter [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] measure of an equivalent height of liquid column measure of the force exerted on a fixed area measure of some change in electrical or physical characteristics of the fluid all of the above. |
Q19 ⇒ Which of the following may be measured by the deflection of an elastic element, by balancing against a known force, by the acceleration produced in an object of known mass : force [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] pressure temperature level displacement. |
Q20 ⇒ The sensitivity of reading of manometer can be increased by : inclining the manometer rube [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] using low specific gravity fluid application of optical magnification use of level sensing device all of the above. |
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