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Home⇒ Computer Engineering⇒ Operating system
1-Dont try to cram or spend more time here just read it fast and cover syllabus then practice MCQ's cheptor of same topic to check your progress. . |
2-Wrong options are also given but dont concentrate there, Right answer is in bold format. |
Q1 ⇒ IBM released its first PC in 1981. Can you name the operating system which was most popular at that time? CP/M [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] MS-DOS PC-DOS OS/360 |
Q2 ⇒ Scissoring enables a part of data to be displayed [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] entire data to be displayed full data display on full area of screen no data to be displayed |
Q3 ⇒ The function(s) of the Storage Assignment is (are) all of the above [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] to assign storage to all variables referenced in the source program. to assign storage to all temporary locations that are necessary for intermediate results. to assign storage to literals, and to ensure that the storage is allocate and appropriate locations are initialized. |
Q4 ⇒ A partitioned data set is most used for a program or source library [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] storing program data storing backup information storing ISAM files |
Q5 ⇒ The working set theory of programming behaviour of processes running within an operating system involves the collection of pages that a process accesses [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] disk scheduling mechanisms coalescing holes in memory assigning the CPU to processes |
Q6 ⇒ The state transition initiated by the user process itself in an operating system is block [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] dispatch wake up timer run out |
Q7 ⇒ Advantage(s) of using assembly language rather than machine language is (are): all of the above [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] It is mnemonic and easy to read. Addresses any symbolic, not absolute Introduction of data to program is easier |
Q8 ⇒ A form of code that uses more than one process and processor, possibly of different type, and that may on occasions have more than one process or processor active at the same time, is known as multi threading [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] multiprogramming broadcasting time sharing |
Q9 ⇒ The computational technique used to compute the disk storage address of individual records is called: hashing [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] bubble memory key fielding dynamic reallocation |
Q10 ⇒ The most common security failure is carelessness by users [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] depending on passwords too much emphasis on preventing physical access insufficient technology used to prevent breaches |
Q11 ⇒ Which of the following is not applications software? UNIX [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Word processing Spreadsheet Desktop publishing |
Q12 ⇒ Can you name of the major Operating System used in computers? All of the above [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] MS DOS OS/2 UNIX |
Q13 ⇒ If you do not know which version of MS-DOS you are working with, which command will you use after having booted your operating system? VER command [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] FORMAT command DIR command DISK command |
Q14 ⇒ The powerful text editor called PC-Write can be used by anybody by paying a small fee. Such programs are called Shareware [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Software Firmware Mindware |
Q15 ⇒ In MS-DOS, relocatable object files and load modules have extensions .OBJ and .COM or .EXE, respectively [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .COM and .OBJ, respectively .EXE and .OBJ, respectively .DAS and .EXE, respectively |
Q16 ⇒ The term "operating system" means a set of programs which controls computer working [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] the way a computer operator works conversion of high level language into machine code the way a floppy disk drive operates |
Q17 ⇒ Link encryption is less secure than end-to-end encryption [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] is more secure than end-to-end encryption can not be used in a public network is used only to debug |
Q18 ⇒ Two basic types of operating systems are: batch and interactive. [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] sequential and direct batch and timesharing sequential and realtime |
Q19 ⇒ What is the name of the operating system which was originally designed by scientists and engineers for use by scientists and engineers? UNIX [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] XENIX OS/2 MS DOS |
Q20 ⇒ Which of the following filename extension suggests that the file is a backup copy of another file? BAK [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] TXT COM BAS |
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