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Home⇒ Computer Engineering⇒ Important file extensions
1-Dont try to cram or spend more time here just read it fast and cover syllabus then practice MCQ's cheptor of same topic to check your progress. . |
2-Wrong options are also given but dont concentrate there, Right answer is in bold format. |
Q1 ⇒ ".8bi" is extension of ? Photoshop Plug-in [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Photoshop Edited Image Photoshop Layer File Photoshop Document |
Q2 ⇒ What is the extension of font file ? .fnt [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .ff .fnf .font |
Q3 ⇒ What is extension Hypertext Preprocessor File ? .php [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .pph .ppp .hpf |
Q4 ⇒ What is extension of real audio file ? .ra [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .rf .rt .rtf |
Q5 ⇒ What is full form of DLL file ? Dynamic Link Library [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Dual Link Library Dynamic Load Library Dictionary Link Library |
Q6 ⇒ What is extension of Debian Software Package ? .deb [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .dp .dev .dsp |
Q7 ⇒ ".pct" is extension of ? Picture File [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] XML File Drawing File PostScript File |
Q8 ⇒ What is extension of Gnu zipped file ? .gz [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .gs .gn .gl |
Q9 ⇒ Which of following is corrected extension of a database file ? .db [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .dca .dta .data |
Q10 ⇒ Which type file is with extension ".vb" ? VBScript File [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Php file Javascript file Window Script File |
Q11 ⇒ What is extension of Common Gateway Interface Script ? .cgi [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .cg .cgt .cgl |
Q12 ⇒ ".qt" is extension of ? Apple QuickTime Movie [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Apple Track File Apple Game File Apple Backup File |
Q13 ⇒ ".dat" is extension of - data file [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] movie file music file game file |
Q14 ⇒ What is extension of Window script file ? .ws [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .wt .wf .wsf |
Q15 ⇒ What is extension of Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ? .xls [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .ls .xl .wks |
Q16 ⇒ ".psd" is extension of - photoshop document [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] graphics Inter Format picture File postScript File |
Q17 ⇒ What is meaning of .rtf file ? Rich Text Format [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Red Text File Rich Text File Red Text Format |
Q18 ⇒ What is extension of Macromedia Flash Movie ? .swf [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .sw .swt .flash |
Q19 ⇒ What is extension of Windows Cabinet File ? .cab [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .ca .cat .cabi |
Q20 ⇒ What is file extension of Perl Script ? .pl [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] .ps .pls .perl |
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