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Theory design of structures analysis
1-Dont try to cram or spend more time here just read it fast and cover syllabus then practice MCQ's cheptor of same topic to check your progress. . |
2-Wrong options are also given but dont concentrate there, Right answer is in bold format. |
Q1 ⇒ In moment distribution method the sum of
distribution factors of all the members
meeting at any joint is always > 1 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Zero < 1 = 1 |
Q2 ⇒ The moment area theorems in the structural
analysis fall in the category of Force method [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Displacement method Stiffness method Iterative method |
Q3 ⇒ The torsional stiffness of a member can be
defined as Torque for unit twist [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Torque for unit moment Moment for unit twist Torsion for unit twist |
Q4 ⇒ The truss can be analysed by the methods of
joints when the number of unknown at a joint
is equal to 2 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 1 3 4 |
Q5 ⇒ The force method in structural analysis
always ensures Equilibrium of forces [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Equilibrium Kinematically admissible t'orces None of the above |
Q6 ⇒ The method of moment distribution in
structural analysis is An iterative method [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] An exact method An approximate method None of these |
Q7 ⇒ The number of independent equations to be satisfied for static equilibrium of a plane structure is 3 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 1 2 6 |
Q8 ⇒ If there are m unknown member forces, r unknown reaction components and j number of joints, then the degree of static indeterminacy of a pin-jointed plane frame is given by m + r - 2j [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] m + r + 2j m - r + 2j m + r - 3j |
Q9 ⇒ Number of unknown internal forces in each member of a rigid jointed plane frame is 3 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 1 2 6 |
Q10 ⇒ Degree of static indeterminacy of a rigid-jointed plane frame having 15 members, 3 reaction components and 14 joints is 6 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 2 3 8 |
Q11 ⇒ Degree of kinematic indeterminacy of a pin-jointed plane frame is given by 2j - r [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] j - 2r 3j - r 2j + r |
Q12 ⇒ Independent displacement components at each joint of a rigid-jointed plane frame are two linear movements and one rotation [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] three linear movements one linear movement and two rotations three rotations |
Q13 ⇒ The number of independent equations to be satisfied for static equilibrium in a space structure is 6 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 2 3 4 |
Q14 ⇒ The number of independent displacement components at each joint of a rigid-jointed space frame is 6 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 1 2 3 |
Q15 ⇒ If in a rigid-jointed space frame, (6m + r) < 6j, then the frame is unstable [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] stable and statically determinate stable and statically indeterminate none of the above |
Q16 ⇒ The principle of virtual work can be applied to elastic system by considering the virtual work of internal as well as external forces [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] internal forces only external forces only none of the above |
Q17 ⇒ Castigliano's first theorem is applicable only when principle of superposition is valid [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] for statically determinate structures only when the system behaves elastically none of the above |
Q18 ⇒ Principle of superposition is applicable when deflections are linear functions of applied forces [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] material obeys Hooke's law the action of applied forces will be affected by small deformations of the structure none of the above |
Q19 ⇒ In moment distribution method, the sum of distribution factors of all the members meeting at any joint is always 1 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] zero less than 1 greater than 1 |
Q20 ⇒ The carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is fixed is 1/2 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 0 3/4 1 |
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