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Estimation costing quantity surveying
1-Dont try to cram or spend more time here just read it fast and cover syllabus then practice MCQ's cheptor of same topic to check your progress. . |
2-Wrong options are also given but dont concentrate there, Right answer is in bold format. |
Q1 ⇒ The unit of payment for A.C. sheet roofing is in Sq. m. [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Cu. m. Metre Quintal |
Q2 ⇒ The useful part of liveable area of a building
is also known as Carpet area [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Circulation area Horizontal circulation area Plinth arca |
Q3 ⇒ How many mazdoors will be required for the
disposal of 30 cu. m. of surplus earth within a
lead on 30 m in one day ? 10 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 1 5 30 |
Q4 ⇒ In analysis of rate the quantity of dry mortar
for 10 cubic metre brick work is taken as 3 m3 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 10 m3 0.3 m3 1 m3 |
Q5 ⇒ Capacity of a flushing cistern is usually 12 to 15 litres [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 10 litres 25 litres 20 to 25 litres |
Q6 ⇒ A semi-corrugated or Trafford sheet has a
standard width of 1.10 m [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 0.9 m 1 m 1.05 m |
Q7 ⇒ The unit of measurement for steel works in
trusses and its parts is in Quintal [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Cm Numbers Kilogram |
Q8 ⇒ Generally the provision for supervision is 5 to 10% [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 0.01 2 to 3% 3 to 5% |
Q9 ⇒ In measuring form work no deduction is made
for opening upto 0.4 m2 [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 1 m2 0.5 m2 0.01 m2 |
Q10 ⇒ The expected out turn of 12 mm plastering
with cement mortar is 8.0 sq. m. [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 2.5 sq. m. 4.0 sq. m. 6.0 sq. m. |
Q11 ⇒ Original cost of property minus depreciation
is Book value [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Salvage value Reliable value Obsolence value |
Q12 ⇒ The standard width of asbestos cement
corrugated sheet is 1.05 m [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 0.9 m 1.0 m 1.25 m |
Q13 ⇒ The unit of payment for blasting of rock
including stacking is in Cu. m. [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Sq. m. % sq. m. % cu. m. |
Q14 ⇒ Which one is overhead expenditure of the
following items ? Workmen's compensation [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Rent and taxes Establishment charges Office stationary items |
Q15 ⇒ In specification of earth work in foundation
trenches, drains etc. specified lead is 30 m [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 1.5 m 50 m 100 m |
Q16 ⇒ The expected Out turn for earth work in
excavation in ordinary soil per mazdoor per
day is 3.00 cu. m. [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 1.00 cu. m. 2.00 cu. m. 4.00 cu. m. |
Q17 ⇒ For 100 square metres of plastered surface,
the quantity of lime required for one coat of
white washing will be 10 kg [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 6.5 kg 5 kg 100 kg |
Q18 ⇒ Generally the unit of measurement for
partition wall is Sq. m. [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Cu. m. Running metre Numbers |
Q19 ⇒ While estimating for plastering, usually no
deduction is made for All the above [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] Ends of beams Small openings upto 0.5 sq. m. End of rafters |
Q20 ⇒ In preparing cement concrete by volume the
size of the wooden box used to measure sand
aggregate is 35 x 25 x 40 cm [other wrong options] [Discuss in forum] 30 x 30 x 30 cm 40 x 25 x 30 cm 35 x 30 x 40 cm |
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